sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011

Nueva tarifa plana movil

Costalc Technologies logo 49,99 € al mes
Tarifa Plana móvil ilimitado antes del 5 de septiembre de 201
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Llamadas ilimitadas a teléfonos móviles y fijos de España
+ 64 países.

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Tecnología VoIP de alta calidad
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(1) Si te das de alta antes del 5 de septiembre de 2011, beneficiaras gratuitamente de la opción SMS internacional.

(2) Compatible con todos los terminales de VoIP, Smartphones y Softphones.


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1 comentario:

  1. I think you have a great article here, But let me share with you all here about my experience with a loan lender called Benjamin Lee who helped me expand my business with his loan company that offered me a loan amount of 600,000.00 USD which I used to upgrade my business months ago. He was really awesome working with him because he a Gentle man with a good heart, a man who can listen to your heart beat and tell you that everything will be OK, when I contacted Mr lee it was on my Facebook page that his advert came up then I visited his office at Michigan to discuss about the loan offer that he and his company render, He makes me understand how all process go then I decided to give a try to it was successful just like he promised, yeah I believe him, I trust him, I rely on him as well about all my project he will be my dear financial officer and I'm glad my business is probably going well and I'm going makes my business growth like grass with his help.he work's with a great investors and guess what? They also give international loans. Is that not awesome to hear when you know a lot of business project are growing up each day by day in your heart hoping that you going to make income of that job to raise money for the project, Ops, then Mr Lee will help you with that, Yes international loan he will help you with that perfectly because I trust him very much for that kind of job, Look don't be shy or shaded give a possible try to Mr lee here his contact : 247officedept@gmail.com
